Tag Archives: cybersecurity

by in Advices, Consulting

Understanding e-KYC Process Assurance: Strengthening Identity Verification

Modern digital transformation and technological advancement, has led to the remarkable evolution of traditional process. One such process that has seen a significant shift is Know Your Customer (KYC) verification, an essential component of various industries, especially in finance, telecommunications, and e-commerce. With the advent of electronic KYC (e-KYC), the landscape of customer identification and […]

by in Advices, Consulting

Data Localization Assurance: Ensuring Compliance and Data Sovereignty

Banks rely on data to provide seamless transactions and personalized services to customers. As the Indian banking sector undergoes digital transformation, it is important to ensure that customer data is handled securely. Data localization checks are a key strategy for ensuring regulatory compliance and maintaining data sovereignty. Data localization is the practice of storing data […]

by in Advices, Consulting

Protecting Your Digital Assets: The Role of Cybersecurity Audits

Businesses, now-a-days, heavily rely on digital technologies and data and hence, the protection of digital assets has become extremely important. The rising cyber threats poses significant risks to organizations, making cybersecurity an essential component of any successful business strategy. One of the most effective ways to ensure the safety and resilience of your digital assets […]